Saturday, June 12, 2010


We had a recent case in which a story was told to us that has stuck with me for some time now:

It seems that 40 some-odd years ago, when our client was a very young child, she lived with her parents and several brothers and sisters in a small Texas town. Her father was a long-distance trucker, and her mother a stay-at-home mom.

They had grown quite used to this lifestyle since it paid the bills, and the family was fairly secure financially. Sometimes it was difficult however to be apart because this man and woman were quite possibly “soulmates”.

They had known each other since they were young teenagers, and they loved each other with a deep abiding love that is seldom seem today. Yet, of course, they endured the separations for the sake of their family!

One night in winter time, when it was just mildly chilly in Texas (and yet could become bitterly cold in the Northern states), the man became stranded in his truck during an intense sudden blizzard as he drove back home after hauling cargo cross-country.

His wife had no idea of what was happening to her husband because the weather had changed drastically where he had been driving and had caught him completely by surprise. In fact, he had no real protection against the sudden intense cold weather other than just his clothing and a light quilted jacket. He had no choice though but to pull over to wait it all out since the road had become impassible.

Sometime during the deep night, the wife began to have a dream about her husband. During the dream, she could tell that he was in some kind of trouble. It all seemed very vague, and yet she felt the panic and fear that he must have been feeling during that long night. In this dream state, she remembered that she placed a blanket around him to protect him, but from what she did not really know at the time.

The dream stuck with her and haunted her the next morning, but since this was in the days before cell phones, she could not just call him to check on his safety. She had no choice but to wait.

Sometime the next day, she began to feel better about him, but again she really did not know why. It just seemed as if the danger had passed in some way. She hoped he would stop and call, but somehow she sensed that he was all right.

He was at least about a day and a half late in getting there from his normal “run”and about three days since she'd had the disturbing dream, but once again, she told herself: Sometimes things would happen with his loads that made him late from time to time.

Then suddenly he arrived at their home. As he walked into the house, she looked up and saw a pink blanket in his hands! She was shocked by the sight, knew she didn't recognize the blanket, but thought surely there was a logical explanation for it.

After she ran to him and hugged and kisses him in relief, she, of course, asked him about the blanket. He confessed to her that he had gotten stuck in the blizzard that one night. Of course, it turned out to be the same night that she had had the nightmare about him!

He told her quietly that he had been extremely cold and he was trying to keep warm and stay awake throughout the night in the cab of his truck. Finally, at one point, however, he had unwittingly dozed off. When he awoke a little while later, he was covered with the pink blanket! Neither one of them had ever owned a pink blanket, and he was certain that it had not been in his truck before he went to sleep!

In the paranormal world, this phenomenon is called to “apport” and is quite “simply” the transfer of an object from one place to another by the power of the mind or by a spirit. As fantastic as that concept is alone, in this case, it still begs the questions: Where did the blanket come from originally since neither of them admitted to having owned a pink blanket before? Did the wife conjure up a blanket from thin air or did she somehow managed to procure a brand new one from another location?

Not only that, but since she remembered covering him with the blanket personally, did she have an out-of-body experience? No one will ever really know. But the blanket remained at the end of their bed from that point forward as a reminder to them both about something they both considered to be quite literally a “miracle”.

Can they prove their story? No.

Can ASUP just accept the story as truth for our research since it happened 40 years ago, and there is no evidence of it having occurred? Absolutely not. It was, is, and unfortunately must remain purely anecdotal!

You must admit though that it's a very compelling subject!. This narrative was told to the couple's children and now to their children. It has become a family legend – a gift or part of an inheritance if you will – about the power of love – to be told and retold in their family for generation after generation!

Sometimes this concept alone can be more powerful than the actual event!