Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Tulpa or Thoughtform

There is a phenomenon known as Thoughtforms or the Tulpa that I wish to address today. These seemingly innocuous beings (if-you-will) appear at first glance to be the merely fantasy or folklore to most people if they have even heard of them before.

In fact most people have no idea that the concept exists in the first place! Others -- even most paranormal investigators, speak of them as an abstract idea that is said to exist, but they can give no examples. Nor do they claim to ever have encountered one in their travels or investigations.

When I first joined ASUP, I myself, had no idea that it is possible for them to be created. I was in for a rude awakening the first time we encountered one on a case. I felt as if I was tracking something small, wary, and yet determined to stay in the house. In fact, ASUP has had occasion to actually study them a hand full of times over the years.

Those in the group who are “sensitives” have described them as darting and flitting around in the environment -- watching and yet running away defensively from the investigators when approached. A couple of them have actually hung onto the walls and watched from the ceiling area, moving away quickly when approached! Something is definitely there in other words, but it either has the mentality of a young child or even a pet dog or cat. They can cause mischief, annoyance, pain, or downright terror for some individuals who do not understand what is there – or why it is present in the first place – if that person is the intended target!

Tulpas are usually created intentionally by self-proclaimed witches (not Wiccans who advocate the three fold law -- but those who are more hardcore and cast spells to intentionally harm with no regard for another human being’s welfare) in the West although it is apparently relatively common in the East among Yogi’s as a manifestation of worship for themselves or for their villagers. A Tulpa can, however, also be created accidentally by someone who feels threatened or has been hurt, but who feels helpless to retaliate outwardly against someone they think has wronged them. Occasionally, they can even be produced for protection for themselves to follow the originator around or even sit on their shoulder throughout their own lives.

The “creature” will lash out against anyone it senses – rightly or wrongly – is trying to harm its master. The object of the warning would at first feel some kind of apprehension or warning not to cross the other person in any way, such as the hair raising up on his or her neck, but they most likely would not know why they are feeling that way. The person carrying the Tulpa around with them “looks” all right, even attractive, but there is just “something” off that does not appear to be imitating from the person, themselves.

Regardless of all of this, much thought or “intent” has to be projected against another human being for hours, days, weeks –- even months -- in order to produce a separate, shadowy life form of their own design. All attributes can be envisioned as far as size, sex, countenance, clothing, etc., in order to hang on to the object of their hatred -- tormenting them endlessly, until they either succumb with illness or even self-harm, or learn somehow to soldier on “ignoring” their little “irritant”.

Obviously, most of mankind cannot sustain this deep level of commitment to hurt another human being! We lose interest, move on, and eventually forget about the person who caused us pain. However, some individuals apparently harbor the kind of deep-seated anger and hurt that propels them on to do this kind of “work” – as it is most certainly time consuming and completely ALL consuming for them to exact some sort of revenge or make themselves feel stronger against their perceived enemies.

Some people reading this may actually LIKE the idea and want to learn more about it in order to create a little protector or antagonist of their very own! However, like all concepts that at first appear to be good, it follows, “If it looks too good to be true, it usually is!” The problem with expending so much energy to create some kind of little agent to do your bidding is that eventually the life form takes on a “life” of its very own! They do the bidding of their creator; however, just like a cyborg in science fiction, eventually, they do evolve and become self-protective!

Long after the originator has lost his or her desire for revenge or protection, the “little” Tulpa strives to survive and continue to carry out its original missive. Why would it stop? It has been programmed to carry out a certain function, and if it stops, it will have no reason to “be” unless it is given a new mission by its creator. If it is banished, where would it go? What would it do? It would have no purpose to exist, and it simply cannot have that.

If the rare person beleaguered by such an entity finally realizes that this is what is occurring, there are ways -- undertaken only by someone with great knowledge and with great resolve -- to banish it or even send it back to the originator. These remedies are not to be taken lightly as there is always some sort of repercussion or “cause and effect” associated with such methods. However, if attempted and accomplished, the bottom line is that the originator of a Tulpa may find that there is a double-edged sword involved in such activities!

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